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新目标英语七年级下期Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
1. be from = come from. 来自…;是…的人
eg.①I am from Sichuan = I come from Sichuan. 我来自四川。
②He is from Shuanglu.= He comes from Shuanglu.他来自双鹿。
③Are you from Sichuan?=Do you come from Sichuan? 你来自四川吗?
④Is he from Shuanglu?= Does he come from Shuanglu? 他来自双鹿吗?
⑤She isn’t from Yunan. = She doesn’t come from Yunnan. 她不是来自云南。
2. live: (长时间的)居住;生活 stay: (短时间的)居住;呆
eg. He lives in Changsha, but he’s going to stay in Shanghai for a few days.他住在长沙,但是他要在上海呆几天。
2. few , a few ; little , a little
表否定 表肯定
可数 few(几乎没有) a few(几个;一些)
不可数 little(几乎没有) a little(一点儿少许)

①.The story is easy to read. There are ____new words in it.
②.Hurry up! There is ______ time left(剩下).
③. The river is very dirty(脏的). ______ people swim in it.
如:English, Japanese, French都是不可数名词。
5. at ; in 表地点“在…”
at + 小地点(指工厂、学校、村庄等)
in + 大地点(指城市以上的地点)
eg.①Tom stays _____ the Beijing Hotel(北京旅社).
② I have a pen pal ____ Shanghai.
6. like doing sth :(指习惯性的)喜欢做…
like to do sth: (指某次具体的行为)喜欢做…;愿意做…
eg. I like ___________(swim), but I don’t like _________ (swim) today. 我喜欢游泳,但是今天我不喜欢。
7. dislike = not like = hate不喜欢
eg. My friend dislikes English. 我的朋友不喜欢英语 = My friend doesn’t like English.
作者:宋老师(170859)09-07-04 13:05回复此贴
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